Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hua Hong NEC deploys SpringSoft’s Laker IC design and Verdi debug to accelerate PDK development and chip verification

HSINCHU, TAIWAN: SpringSoft Inc. and Shanghai Hua Hong NEC Electronics Co. Ltd, one of the leading pure-play foundries in the world, announced that Hua Hong NEC has deployed the Laker custom IC design solutions for process design kit (PDK ) development and integrated the award-winning Verdi Automated Debug System into the foundry’s verification reference flow.

Using SpringSoft tools, Hua Hong NEC has released the first Laker PDK to streamline implementation of custom chips with its 0.13-micron embedded flash technology and achieved a 50 percent productivity gain with its debug and functional verification flow. Hua Hong NEC's 0.13-micron embedded flash is one of the most popular embedded non-volatile memory (NVM) platforms for microprocessors, communications, consumer products, mobile payment, information security, USB key and smart card applications.

“As a provider of value-added foundry services to companies around the globe, it is critical that we deliver world-class process platforms with design kits and reference flows that offer maximum productivity and performance,” said Wang Nan, senior director of Design Service Division for Hua Hong NEC. “SpringSoft’s Verdi and Laker are compelling solutions in the verification and custom fields respectively, and as a consequence we believe our adoption of these products benefits both the Hua Hong NEC internal team and our customers.”

“Verdi and Laker are an important part of the chip development ecosystem today because they make it possible to do more functional verification in less time and produce high quality designs with less effort,” said Mark Milligan, VP of corporate marketing at SpringSoft. “As one of China’s premier foundries and Laker PDK providers in this fast-growing region, HHNEC’s deployment of our tools is testament to the value they deliver and Laker’s commanding presence in Asia.”

Faster PDK development
SpringSoft’s Laker solutions provide Hua Hong NEC with a highly automated environment for PDK development, featuring the Laker Advanced Design Platform (ADP), an intuitive, full-featured schematic editor, and the Laker Custom Layout Automation System with patented Magic Cell (MCell) technology for automating device generation and a complete schematic-driven layout (SDL) flow to speed physical implementation.

Hua Hong NEC’s Laker PDK includes foundry-specific device libraries, parameterized MCells, pre-validated design rules and technology files for its 0.13-micron eflash foundry process, which is characterized by excellent stability, high endurance, low power, radiation hardness, and compatibility with standard CMOS technologies. When used with Laker layout tools, the PDK automates the physical layout of designs to maximize user productivity and reduce development cycles. The Laker 0.13-micron eflash PDK is available today for Hua Hong NEC customers.

Greater verification productivity
Hua Hong NEC’s verification reference flow uses best-in-class tools and methodologies to help its engineers and foundry customers verify that designs function as intended with its process technologies. The productivity of this flow has been increased significantly for both foundry and customer chip designs with integration of the Verdi debug software, SpringSoft’s flagship product for advanced debug and the cornerstone for its family of functional closure solutions.

It cuts debug time in half by automating the process of comprehending how complex chip designs work with unique behavioral analysis engines, powerful visualization capabilities, and patented signal tracing techniques.

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