Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monsoon Multimedia offers placeshifting and multi-screen technologies on popular semiconductor solutions

SAN MATEO, USA: Monsoon Multimedia, a leading provider of video convergence products, is porting its TV Anywhere placeshifting software engines to additional semiconductor platforms developed by C2 Microsystems, Inc. and Zenverge, Inc. These leading semiconductor companies offer video chipsets for use in TVs, set-top boxes, game consoles and an increasing number of connected entertainment products.

TV Anywhere capabilities are in high demand with the explosion of tablets and smartphones. Multiple System Operators (MSOs) such as Comcast and TimeWarner, Smart TV companies such as Sony and Samsung, and set-top box suppliers such as Cisco and Pace are looking for TV-on-the-go solutions. Both Microsoft and Sony have announced plans to incorporate Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming in their popular game consoles.

“Monsoon and C2 Microsystems have been working together now for more than two years,” said Gene Liu, CEO of C2 Microsystems. “Monsoon’s engines are now ported to our Jazz product line. We expect that Monsoon will enable our TV customers in China to start showing OTT streaming from their TVs to smartphones, PCs and tablets in or outside of the home. Our highly cost effective Tango chips will start featuring placeshifting this spring.”

“Monsoon and Zenverge have recently formed a partnership to develop placeshifting, streaming and DVR engines for our chipsets used by key OEMs,” said Shawn Saleem, EVP of Marketing of Zenverge. “Monsoon is a leader in the OTT category and we are pleased to endorse their solutions as they allow our OEM customers to accelerate time-to-market and increase margins by providing a more powerful user experience.”

Only Monsoon’s solutions enable MSOs to manage which channels and shows can be placeshifted, recorded or sideloaded, to avoid recent controversies between service providers and content owners. Monsoon’s solutions can also employ analog capture to provide a solution for streaming content to multiple screens anywhere.

“Strong demand from OEMs for our TV Anywhere technology has been the impetus behind our new licensing strategy,” said Paul Friedman, EVP of Business Development at Monsoon. “We are currently the only proven independent one-stop-shop for companies looking to quickly deploy a live TV placeshifting solution for smartphones, tablets and computers.”

Monsoon’s integrated placeshifting Linux modules
Monsoon has developed five integrated modules that enable semiconductor encoder companies to easily begin offering placeshifting capabilities: Adaptive Bit-Rate Encoding and Transcoding, Http Live Streaming (HLS) for Live Video Sources, Proprietary Streaming Protocol, Connection Management and Multi-Screen Client Technologies. Monsoon has already ported these modules on multiple encoders.

Monsoon will also make a large number of applications, such as YouTube, VoD, web browser, timeshifting, UPnP/DLNA and other Smart TV applications, available as part of its licensing arrangements.

Adaptive Bit-Rate Encoding continuously measures the available network bandwidth and adjusts the encoding bit rate to deliver smooth video streaming Quality of Service (QOS) over a wide range of network conditions.

Http Live Streaming (HLS) has been extended by Monsoon to support a real-time bit-rate control method of delivering live video sources via the industry standard HLS protocol, without requiring pre-encoding and caching of multiple bit-rate copies of the file.

Proprietary Streaming Protocol moves video from inside the home to outside the homewith much finer granularity of the video encoding and without requiring any router set up. UDP protocol with hole punching and Network Address Translator (NAT) traversal is deployed to eliminate the need for router port forwarding.

Connection Management is a secure cloud-based service that allows clients to connect to servers without using fixed IP addresses or Domain Named Service (DNS).

Multi-Screen Client Technologies include video playback of placeshifted live TV streams, recording and trick play (pause, fast forward, rewind) on clients, and virtual on-screen remote control for set-top boxes, EPGs and sideloading. Client technologies are available on PCs, Macs, iPhones and iPads, Android smartphone and tablets, BlackBerry phones and tablets.

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